Gun Transfer Services in St. Mary's and Kingsland, GA
Get Easy Help Purchasing Guns and Firearms in Camden County, GA
If you're looking to purchase a gun online or from an individual, TC Trading Post offers fast and easy gun transfer services. A Federal Firearms Licensee(FFL) transfer is the process of changing possession of a firearm from one FFL to another holder or a customer. Because the process can be confusing, the experts at TC Trading Post will guide you through the process and ensure the transfer occurs based on state and federal laws.

FFL Gun Transfer Services in St. Mary's and Kingsland, GA
Any FFL transfer has to occur from a FFL to a customer or another FFL holder. If you're purchasing a gun from a licensed dealer, the experts at TC Trading Post can help you navigate the process. We offer fast and seamless gun transfer services. As your transfer agent, we will be your trusted middleman to ensure the process is smooth and adheres to state and federal laws. Here's how it works:
You buy the gun from a dealer
We send them our Federal Firearms License
The seller ships the gun to TC Trading Post
We will reach out to you once we have received the gun, and it has been logged into our system and inspected.
You arrive at TC Trading Post with proper ID and permit,
Complete ATF Form 4473
Pay the transfer fee
Enjoy your new firearm.
FAQs About the FFL Gun Transfer Process
If it's your first time doing a gun transfer, it can be confusing. Fortunately, we will guide you through the process and answer your questions. Below are some of our most frequently asked questions about the gun transfer process.
Does TC Trading Post Do FFL Gun Transfers from Individuals?
TC Trading Post welcomes gun transfers from and to any valid Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder. Unfortunately, we do not perform transfers from individuals unless they come into our store. If you're buying a gun online, the seller will need to find an FFL in their area to ship from because TC Trading Post doesn't give our FFL # to individuals.
How Will I Know When My Gun Is Ready to Pick Up?
As a courtesy, someone from TC Trading Post will call you as soon as your gun is ready for pickup. On the other hand, you can give us a call to get a status update.
Does TC Trading Post Do FFL Gun Transfers from Individuals?
The Firearms Transaction Record (FTR) or ATF Form 4473 is a document that must be completed every time someone purchases a gun from a Federal Firearms License holder. You'll need to provide specific information, such as:
Your name and address
Your date of birth
A National Instant Criminal Background Check System transaction number
Photo ID issued by the government
A brief statement explaining you're eligible to purchase firearms according to Federal law
Additionally, you must provide information about the firearm you're looking to purchase.
Contact TC Trading Post for FFL Gun Transfers
Whether you're purchasing or selling a gun and need gun transfer services, TC Trading Post can help.